Chiropractor Asheville – Adrenal Exhaustion & Recovery


How many times a day do you say this? Fatigue may be coming from weak adrenals. And this can be remedied. I remember going through a very stressful time in my life. I suffered from such extreme fatigue that I could not walk from the kitchen to the living room in my house without feeling winded. I was told by my MD’s (Family Physician, OBGYN and Rheumatologist) that I was “JUST GETTING OLD.” 36 years old my diagnosis was anxiety and insomnia. Take these, Ambien and Lorazepam. Thank GOD I am a Chiropractor and I knew to dig deeper for a solution…. Learning about ADRENAL EXHAUSTION and RECOVERY saved my life. Listen to our latest podcast as we dive deep into this topic. It may just save your life too!

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